Shamanic Journeys / Talking With Nature

Favorite Resources for Shamanic Journeying and Meditation

My favorite websites, podcasts, books and resources for spiritual development and shamanic journeying.

What did we do before the internet? Seriously, we forget how much more time consuming it was to locate relevant information for basically….anything! As I have begun to learn and practice shamanic journeying, I have been able to easily (and sometimes not so easily) find information to help and support me as I have learned. So, I'm compiling a list of helpful books, guided meditations and websites that I use on a regular basis.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but just my favorite resources for shamanic journeying and meditation. 

Animal Totems

Spirit Animal Totems and Their Messages – I love the depth of information on each animal and the wide variety of animals and insects featured. Every time I think….no way will they have THIS animal, there it is. I also like that at the top of each page is a specific message from that animal – it is random and there are multiple messages for each animal, so the one that is there when you first search is likely the message meant specifically for you.

Shamanic Journeying

Sarah Petruno Shamanism – Sarah is no longer blogging quite as prolifically as she once was and her old website isn't active anymore. However, she did bring back some of her more popular posts and meditations. It's a great primer for the basics of shamanism.

Sandra Ingerman – An author and teacher for over 30 years. Definitely more “traditional” shamanism, but still very approachable and understandable. She has written 10 books (some of which I have read) and her monthly Transmutation News offers instructions for a journey in tune with the current energies of the earth.

Year of Ceremony – Online monthly shamanic group that meets on the full moon for a lecture by a different shamanic teacher every month, followed by a guided journey on the same topic and breakout groups by telephone to further discuss your individual experiences. This is a great way to learn from a wide variety of shamanic teachers to see what you resonate with the most and provides a monthly, live ritual on each full moon.

Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing our Connection with the Elements – This book will teach you about working together with the spirits of weather to restore well-being and harmony to the Earth and ourselves.


Why Shamanism Now – Christina Pratt hosts this weekly podcast that covers a huge variety of topics from working with the elements to doing shadow work and helping spirits in the middle world. I especially enjoyed her episodes about working with the spirits of the land.

Blogs, podcasts, books, and websites for spiritual development and shamanism.




Grid Work

Sandra Walter – Regular blog posts, meditations and videos related to grid work, gatekeeping and ascension.

Solara An-Ra Light Guide of Gaia – Channeled meditations to connect and work with the earth's grid. I especially like the 2012 Pleiadian Meditation for Gaia.


Kari Samuels – I love her monthly video Energy Forecasts. Sign up to get them emailed to you.

Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam – A prolific blogger, she always has a unique take on the world's events and their astrologic connections.


The Sofia Code: A Living Transmission from the Sofia Dragon Tribe – A channelled transmission from the divine feminine goddesses and ascended masters. It will activate your DNA and change your life.

HighHeartLife – Lots of fascinating information about 5D and ascension-related topics. I find that her updates often explain similar experiences I'm having in my own life.


Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library – A channeled handbook to awaken to our ancestral lineage and redeem the living library of the earth.

Talking With Nature

Following Hawks – Yep, that's me! I have three free meditations to help you learn how to speak the language of nature. Plus, you'll get access to my entire free resource library full of downloads and other meditations. Click Here

Braiding Sweetgrass – Perhaps the most beautiful piece of nature writing I've had the pleasure of reading. It will deepen your love for the natural world we live in.

Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts – A book by Atala Dorothy Toy

Speaking with Nature – A book by Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts

Plant Spirit Medicine: A Journey into the Healing Wisdom of Plants: A book by Eliot Cowan

Animal Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small – A book by Ted Andrews

Favorite Instagram Feeds

@thenewearth – Messages from Earth and beyond

@soulstarmedicine – Rakai'el is a Lemurian Priestess and Sound Alchemist living on Maui. I highly recommend her Energetics of Instragram and Remembering Lemuria courses

@janeislistening – Plant and sound medicine and shamanic retreats in Peru and across the United States

#magictribe – This is @soulstarmedicine's hashtag and you will find no shortage of magical people to follow.

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What are your favorite resources for shamanic journeying and meditation? I'm always looking for something new!