For those of us in the United States, Thanksgiving is two days away and the energy around this holiday is complicated for reasons many still aren’t aware of.
In this episode, I share how the start of the Thanksgiving tradition was the opposite of a gesture of peace and goodwill as we were led to believe as schoolchildren, the two Thanksgiving traditions I honor outside of sharing food and gratitude with friends and family, the podcast episode I recently heard that provided ideas for how we can make reparations to the Indigenous people whose lands we now inhabit, how my personal interest in these issues first began, how the pain of the ancestors of the land we inhabit still impacts us today, the story of how an intense experience I had with the ancestors of the land in Southern Utah helped one of my clients find a resolution for her family and helped the ancestors find a resolution amongst themselves, why we don’t have to travel to faraway lands to experience sacred places, and more.
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Blog Post | Healing Ancestral Trauma in Southern Utah
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For the Wild Podcast with Corrina Gould
Honor Native Land Tax (New Mexico)
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