It's kind of hard to believe but we welcome back summer next week, which means this year is nearly halfway done. We had an especially rainy fall here in Montana, followed by record snowfall and cold temps over the winter,…
It's kind of hard to believe but we welcome back summer next week, which means this year is nearly halfway done. We had an especially rainy fall here in Montana, followed by record snowfall and cold temps over the winter,…
As spring is slowly becoming summer and we're all spending more time outdoors, my guides wanted to fill us in on the basics of taking care of the habitat where you live. We covered starting a garden with the help of fairies a…
Exciting News Friends! I know, it's Monday morning and you're still trying to finish your first cup of coffee. But you're going to want to check this out. If you don't need the details, and just want to enter to…
Have you ever thought about resolving a neighborhood dispute with spirit guides? I hadn't until recently, but it seems legit to me, so I'm about to find out. And come to think of it, isn't a dispute with a neighbor an…
It probably won't surprise you to know (at least if you follow this blog), that there are literally thousands of spirits looking over your trees, yard, and garden. But when I asked for one who wanted to speak to me…
What is shamanism and how do I journey? That is not an easy question to answer and I cannot begin to scratch the surface but, for the sake of explaining my journey, I'd like to share a bit about my personal…
I did a property reading last week and saw something I hadn't seen before while energetically scanning the property lines. It looked like a large glowing star and when I asked my guides what I was seeing, they explained that it…
I write quite a bit about the spirits of the land. Here, here, and here for example. The further into this journey I go, the more I feel the pull to work with them. I use the term “spirits of…
You've probably heard the saying that everything is energy. This is true – you, me, the grass, the trees – we're all made of energy vibrating at different speeds. But it's not just “living” things – even water, rocks, clouds, and…
I've had a hard time deciding what to write lately. And not because there's been nothing going on, but rather, because EVERYTHING is going on. I'm not even sure where to begin, except to say that since the first of the…