
65. Guided Shamanic Sound Journey with Your Plant Ally

Guided Shamanic Sound Journey with Your Plant Ally - The Earth Keepers PodcastThis episode is a gift of a guided shamanic sound journey from me and the plant realm to you.

Gratitude for your willingness to explore more about what these elders have to share with us.

In this episode, I’m sharing a guided shamanic sound journey to help you connect with a personal plant ally.

When I initially tuned in to ask about this journey, the Sagebrush plant stepped forward and asked to be a guide for each of us to connect with our own plant ally.

This was before my three-week long trip through Utah, New Mexico and Colorado where there was sagebrush as far as the eye can see.

And as much as it looks like the native landscape of the desert, I was told on more than one occasion on our trip that the sagebrush now covers the land in areas that have been overgrazed by cattle ranchers insensitive to the appropriate numbers of animals per acre of land.

Instead of miles of sagebrush, it used to be a mixture of tall prairie grass that no doubt stabilized the dry desert soils.

I’m sure the sagebrush is the first in a succession of plants coming in to cover the bare soil as it recovers from its loss of grasses and begins to heal.

But if you’ve been to the desert and walked through sagebrush covered mesas, you have likely experienced the sweet and spicy fragrance floating through the air.

The oil from this plant is palpable in the environment and transports us back there anytime we get a hint of that scent.

Sagebrush is different from the White Sage you might be familiar with.

White Sage is a salvia plant in the mint family while Sagebrush is an artemisia in the sunflower family. Both plants are known for their cleansing and purification properties and ceremonial use by the indigenous tribes.

When learning more about it myself, I found on the Power of Flowers website an oracle card for sagebrush connecting it with the archetype of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

White Buffalo Calf Woman is associated with the mysteries of the Sacred Pipe of the Lakota Tribe.

She gave teachings regarding the cycles of the earth’s evolution, and introduced an awareness of the sacredness of all life: the four-leggeds, the winged birds; grandmother and grandfather earth wisdom; and all that grows upon the earth.

And I can’t think of a more perfect guide for this season and our intention to remember how we are all connected and sacred upon this earth.

As you lay down and close your eyes, I want to remind you that sound is medicine.

The ancient medicine of frequency that works intuitively with the frequency of your energetic and physical body.

Receiving sound medicine is receiving a healing.

These instruments, together with your plant spirit ally will work to shift energies within your field to come into alignment with the pure, high vibrational frequencies they create.

This experience may feel beautiful and deeply healing, but it may also sometimes feel uncomfortable. You may experience some anxiety or have trouble relaxing.

Know that if you have that experience, these are discordant frequencies within your field that are coming to the surface because they are ready to be released.

In those moments, remember to come back to your breath.

Remember that you are in control of the experience and you can ask to let go of anything that is no longer in alignment with your highest and best good.

Enjoy the journey.

Here's what I share in this episode:

  • How sound is medicine
  • A guided shamanic sound journey to meet your plant ally

Links & Resources:

Sagebrush Flower Essence Oracle Card

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Transcript for this episode

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